Friday 25 September 2009

Wedding in Chamba

Wedding in Chamba, originally uploaded by Kate and Charles.

The women and children sit apart from the men in organised rows - think long tables with white tabelcloths and chairs and then take away the long tables with white tablecloths and chairs and there you have it. Charles took this beautiful shot from the house where we were treated as honoured guests at a 'hills' wedding in Chamba. Trekked for under an hour to get here. We were given loads of food which we were obliged to eat and I thought I'd be brave and chomp on a green chilli which blew my head off.

1 comment:

  1. Hello to both of you!! Sorry I haven't written. Holidays next week so will catch up then. I love the wedding photo. Will read your emails again...a book really! Mum xxxx
